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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

An Analysis of Heavy Metals in Lakes of Former Tin Mining Sites in the City of Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia

Mohmadisa Hashim, Wee Fhei Shiang, Zahid Mat Said, Nasir Nayan, Hanifah Mahat, Yazid Saleh

Open access

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the water quality, particularly the heavy metal parameters, at five former tin mining sites that have been used as recreational lakes: Lake Lahat, Lake Kg. Temiang, Lake Kg. Tengku Hussein, Lake Gunung Lang and Lake Taman Indah. The heavy metal parameters tested were arsenic (As), lead (Pb), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn). The method of testing used laboratory analyses and water sample observations for 12 months between September 2015 and August 2016. Heavy metal parameters were compared with the standards published by the Department of Environment (DOE) and the Ministry of Health (MOH) to determine the quality of the lakes water. The results of the analyses showed that all of the lakes contained high concentrations of Pb compared to other metals. The amount of Pb detected in the lakes from highest to lowest concentration was Lake Kg. Tengku Hussein (1.08 mg/l), Lake Kg. Temiang (0.99 mg/l), Lake Lahat (0.96 mg/l), Lake Taman Indah (0.78 mg/l) and Lake Gunung Lang (0.60 mg/l). The metal readings of As, Cu and Zn metals were below the standards set by the DOE and MOH. Periodic research and monitoring of water quality by the Ipoh City Council (MBI) should be given attention so that the quality of the lake water, especially in relation to heavy metal elements, is under control which makes recreational water activities involving water contact are safe for the visitors’

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In-Text Citation: (Hashim et al., 2018)
To Cite this Article: Hashim, M., Shiang, W. F., Said, Z. M., Nayan, N., Mahat, H., & Saleh, Y. (2018). An Analysis of Heavy Metals in Lakes of Former Tin Mining Sites in the City of Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(2), 673–683.