ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Purpose - This paper measure the strategic leadership style, innovation and organization change in XYZ company. This study will explore and discuss the uses of strategic leadership style, innovation and organization change. Innovation variable as intervening variable, we measure direct and indirect effect leadership style have effect to change management.
Methodology - It is a causality study the which uses multiple regression for analyzing the data. The samples of this research are undergraduate students and the sample size of 50 employees
Findings - Variable transformational leadership style has significant effect to innovation but transactional there no effect. Transformational and transaction leadership style have effect to change organization. Innovation has effect to change organization
Research limitations / Implication - This research will know about effect of strategic leadership style and innovation to change organization. Field of the research only in XYZ company.
Originality / Value - This paper suggests contribution to the board of directors XYZ company
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In-Text Citation: (Sadek, Rahim, & Abas, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Sadek, D. M., Rahim, K. A., & Abas, Z. (2018). Islam?c Corporate Governance In Islam?c F?nanc?al Inst?tut?ons. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(4), 24–43.
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