ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study reports the results of 1-year investigation into students’ disciplined characters with their self-esteem and academic performance. Participants have performed their disciplined behaviour so that the data are explored by using exploratory approach. It focuses on self-esteem and learners’ academic performance variables. There are three participants (1 female and 2 males) considered to have high disciplined behaviour were involved in order to investigate the disciplined character relating to self-esteem fixation and academic performance. The data for self-esteem and academic performance were collected by conducting in-depth interviews, participating in observations, and documentary studies and which were analyzed using John W. Creswell’s model. The significance of data processed is that the disciplined character makes learners are able to socialize well and constructively with colleagues and educators. Appreciation coming from a disciplined attitude makes learners feel more “precious”, because their effort is worthwhile. There is a strong encouragement from the learners to be more disciplined in learning, because they have good academic performance that makes them more valuable (appreciated in learning process) for every effort they do.
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In-Text Citation: (Blegur, Manu, & Souisa, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Blegur, J., Manu, T. S. N., & Souisa, M. (2018). Students’ Disciplined Character as the Effort to Improve Self-Esteem and Academic Performance. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(4), 362–372.
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