ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study was an investigation of the effect of communication channels used between extension officers and farmers on the adoption of Irish potato farming. The problem of this study was that past studies had limited focus on effect of communication channels used between extension officers and farmers on adoption of Irish potato farming, hence a gap that demands specific studies to be carried out in order to fill it. The study’s general objective was to determine the effect of communication channels used between extension officers and farmers on the adoption of Irish potato farming. The target population for this descriptive study comprised farmers from four sub-locations (Kimbo, Gathuine, Kiamiogo, Mburugiti) of Kibirichia Ward in Meru County and all the three extension officers involved in the production of Irish potato crop. From the sampling frame, respondents were selected using purposive sampling. Farmers who took part in focus group discussions were selected using homogeneous sampling. Total population sampling method was used to take the total population of the three extension officers that train Irish potato farmers in the four sub-locations in Kibirichia Ward. One focus group discussion and one in-depth interview were conducted from each sub-location in Kibirichia Ward. Using qualitative methods in data analysis, focus group and interview data was transcribed, coded and categorized into relevant themes and sub-themes and possible and plausible explanations of the findings drawn. Findings of this study revealed that the mass media and interpersonal channels of communication used for information exchange between farmers and extension officers enhanced adoption of Irish potato farming. The mass media used were posters, leaflets and letters while interpersonal communication channels included meetings or barazas, demonstrations, mobile phone calls, SMS, seminars, field days and workshops. Further, farmers reported that they understood extension information disseminated through the communication channels because they created an enabling environment for information exchange (feedback). The use of mass media and interpersonal channels to communicate extension information, lead to high adoption of agricultural innovations. The researcher recommended that there is need to find the effect of communication channels used between extension officers and farmers on the rate of adoption on Irish potato farming.
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In-Text Citation: (Kigatiira, Mberia, & Ngula, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Kigatiira, K. K., Mberia, H. K., & Ngula, K. (2018). The Effect of Communication Channels used between Extension Officers and Farmers on the Adoption of Irish Potato Farming. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(4), 373–387.
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