ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study reviewed the role of women in the Terengganu coastal fisheries enterprises prior to World War II. This study focuses on examining the activities of the Terengganu Malay coastal fisheries enterprises where most are found to be among women. Before World War II, Terengganu indicated that economic improvement is very encouraging as a result of the high demand for fishery products, which include dried fish, anchovies, pickled, anchovy sauce (locally known as budu), shrimp paste and pickled fish. This study used qualitative research methods based on primary and secondary sources. The primary source of data for this study include annual reports, mailings, memoranda and government files obtained from the British colonial documents, Terengganu State Government Office, State Legal Advisor Offices, The Chief Minister of Terengganu Office from 1910 to 1940 and analyzed them using historical approach. In addition, secondary sources such as journals and books are also cited to support the findings. The study found that most Terengganu coastal fisheries enterprises are dominated by women. The coastal Malay women's participation in Terengganu led to the increase of family income, provide vast employment opportunities and economic relations with the local and global community. Various measures were taken by the government and the British Advisers in improving the fishery product resources. It is clear that women play an important role in improving the economy of the community as well as the state of Terengganu.
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In-Text Citation: (Rahim, Saat, & Rahim, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Rahim, R. bt S., Saat, I. bin, & Rahim, R. bt S. (2018). The Role Of Women In The Terengganu Coastal Fisheries Enterprise Before World War Ii. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(4), 644–659.
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