ISSN: 2222-6990
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Arabic learning as a foreign language is often associated with unconducive environment and limited learning time. In education, the objective of language learning is achieved if the student is able to master the language skills. However, previous studies show that students are not able to use language skills in actual communication. Therefore, an environment model for Arabic language learning 'Inghimas Lughaw?' was introduced. The question are, what is the Inghimas Lughaw? concept and what is the component that forms Inghimas Lughaw?? To answer these questions, this study sets two objectives. First, to identify the Ingimas Lughaw? concept. Second, to suggest components that form Inghimas Lughaw?. Hence, library research is conducted on previous researches conceptually. Preliminary finding suggests that this model is able to create an effective language environment with broad language use.
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Nik Murshidah Nik Din, Rahimah Embong, Raja Hazirah Raja Sulaiman, Noorani
In-Text Citation: (Maliki, Ismail, Abdullah, & Salleh, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Maliki, M. S., Ismail, M. Z., Abdullah, A. H., & Salleh, A. W. (2018). An Arabic Learning Model for Strengthening the Arabic Language Proficiency of Secondary School Students: Inghimas Lughawi. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(4), 702–713.
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