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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Communication Quality, Job Clarity, Supervisor Support and Job Satisfaction among Nurses in Pakistan: The Moderating Influence of Fairness Perception

Noor Ahmed Brohi, Mirza Manirajah Bin Abdullah, Arif Md Khan Abdul Samad Dahri, Ramsha Ali, Khadim Hussain Markhand

Open access

The present examination reached out earlier organizational communication look into by testing whether decency observation directs the connection between saw communication quality and occupation fulfillment. Information were acquired by means of poll from in excess of 200 medical caretakers at an extensive urban healing facility in the Pakistan. As conjectured, the nature of data got from quick bosses, colleagues, and subordinates was decidedly identified with job satisfaction among very decency recognition medical caretakers. The outcomes affirm that activity clearness and chief help has not noteworthy effect on job satisfaction and furthermore with association of control (i.e. Fairness Perception) in Pakistan.

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In-Text Citation: (Brohi et al., 2018)
To Cite this Article: Brohi, N. A., Abdullah, M. M. Bin, Khan, A. M., Dahri, A. S., Ali, R., & Markhand, K. H. (2018). Communication Quality, Job Clarity, Supervisor Support and Job Satisfaction among Nurses in Pakistan: The Moderating Influence of Fairness Perception. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(5), 1–7.