ISSN: 2222-6990
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The significance of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to an economy development of a country cannot be ignored. Therefore, the growth of a business depends on the development of abilities needed to execute a smooth running of day to day business activities. Research established the fact that the flat economy growth of region relies on the extent of trade activities in the area. Given this importance of enterprise, this present study aims at developing an understanding of the influence of entrepreneurial skills on SMEs in Nigeria compare with the UK, as perceived by SME owners.
The research will benefit the researcher, SME owners in Nigeria, Policymakers, and other researchers. Data collection was through an online survey questionnaire, and it was administered to a population of 38 SME owners both in Nigeria and in the UK. The research followed judgmental sampling techniques to explore their experience, beliefs, and attitudes to entrepreneurial skills because of the limited time frame. Moreover, this survey was used to validate the study conceptual framework and establish an insight on the opinion of business owners of the context.
The study findings were that entrepreneurial skills have a significant influence on the growth of SMEs in Nigeria and the UK. However, the respondent in Nigeria and the UK agreed that creative thinking, Problem solving and communication skills are critical for increase sales and competitive advantage. Moreover, the respondent in Nigeria strongly agrees that high level of creative thinking with a bit of problem solving and communication skills will SMEs growth. By contrast, UK minority entrepreneurs argue that great creative thinking and a balance of problem solving and communication skills are critical to SMEs growth.
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In-Text Citation: (Abdul, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Abdul, O. E. (2018). Entrepreneurial skills and growth of Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs): A comparative analysis of Nigerian entrepreneurs and Minority entrepreneurs in the UK. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(5), 28–46.
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