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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Effect of Organizational Culture on Performance of Companies Listed in Nairobi Securities Exchange in Kenya

Aketch E. Ng’ong’a, Margaret Oloko, Charles M. Rambo, George Orwa

Open access

Companies listed in Nairobi Securities Exchange in Kenya are faced with organizational culture challenges that need to be addressed in order to be more profitable and gain investor confidence as they trade in NSE. The study objective was to establish how organizational culture affect performance of companies listed in NSE and the null hypothesis was that organizational culture does not significantly affect performance of companies listed in NSE. The study used a cross sectional survey design on 64 companies with a sample of 38 companies covering five years (2013-2017) as at 30th June, 2017. Purposive sampling technique was used on 4 senior managers namely, Chief Executive Officers, heads of divisions in Human Resource, Finance and Marketing. Semi-structured questionnaire was administered and the response rate was 79%. Pre-testing was conducted on 15 respondents and reliability coefficient was above the recommended threshold of 0.7. Secondary data was obtained from published sources and primary data was obtained from the semi-structured questionnaire. Data was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. Organizational Culture results showed that there was significance positive effect between the two variables with or without moderator technology with p-value < 0.001 CL=95%, the null hypothesis was rejected and alternative hypothesis was adopted. The results and findings concluded that organizational culture is flexible and has the ability to adapt to changes in internal and external environment. The study recommended that management of companies should address the organizational culture as it affects the employees and performance of companies listed in NSE.

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In-Text Citation: (Ng’ong’a, Oloko, Rambo, & Orwa, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Ng’ong’a, A. E., Oloko, M., Rambo, C. M., & Orwa, G. (2018). Effect of Organizational Culture on Performance of Companies Listed in Nairobi Securities Exchange in Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(5), 485–504.