ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study explores the Relationship between Organizational Culture and Turnover Intentions of selected Small and Medium Enterprises in Southeast - Nigeria. Specifically,it investigates the effects of founder’s values on the turnover intentions of SMEs; socialization on the employee turnover intentions; and morale on turnover intentions of SMEs. Survey method of data gathering was adopted wherein structured questionnaire was instrument of data collection. With a population of 2500 registered SMEs within the capitals of the five South-eastern States, a sample size of 330 was drawn using Freud and William’s formula at 5% error margin. 330 copies of questionnaire were distributed while 300 were returned. Three hypotheses were tested using the component of t-test in the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). Results of the analysis reveal that Founder’s value has positive impact on the turnover intention of small and medium scale enterprise,?2 (95, n = 330) =11.32036, p < 0.05.; Socialization have positive impact on the Turnover Intention, ?2 (95, n = 330) =9.133469, p < 0.05.; while morale have no effect on turnover intention, ?2 (95, n = 330) = 0.337944 p >0.05. The study concludes that organizational culture has strong correlation with turnover intension. Therefore, it recommends employee motivational administrative strategies for higher profit generation.
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In-Text Citation: (Mbah, Ekechukwu, & Obi, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Mbah, P. C., Ekechukwu, C., & Obi, I. E. (2018). An Exploration of the Relationship between Organizational Culture and Turnover Intentions of Selected Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in South-East. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(5), 563–584.
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