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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Exploration of Visual Images in Artistic Design of the Play of Kena Main at Istana Budaya

Zolkipli Bin Hj. Abdullah, Muhammad Fazli Taib Bin Saearani

Open access

This research aims to study the exploration of visual images and artistic elements in the stage design of the play of Kena Main at Istana Budaya. The combination of visual exploration and art is a very important process in producing a play that contains meaningful script and artistic value. The transformation processes of visual exploration and art involve abstract, realistic, and experimental forms according to the concepts and manuscript themes interpreted and performed on stage. Therefore, this paper shows the role of visual image and art elements intertwined, to form the artistic design of theatrical art performance, by applying the artistic elements and design principles based on the script of Khalid Salleh's play, Kena Main. The exploration of the visual image and art elements in Kena Main has an aesthetic value, depicting social issues in the community through the performance’s portrayal of life struggles of the blind, the homeless, and the drug addicts. The performance of the three groups of people symbolizes the spirit of brotherhood and togetherness in the community. Results from this research will highlight the importance of the exploration of visual image and elements used in Kena Main to increase our understanding of the importance of these elements, providing the source of inspiration to artistic designers in the context of design and set placement based on community sociology.

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In-Text Citation: (Abdullah & Saearani, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Abdullah, Z. B. H., & Saearani, M. F. T. B. (2018). The Exploration of Visual Images in Artistic Design of the Play of Kena Main at Istana Budaya. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(6), 220–228.