ISSN: 2222-6990
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Environmental management support as well as engagement in environmental awareness activities are imperative in ensuring the well-being of the urban community towards sustainable development. Hence, this study examines the level of environmental management support, involvement in environmental activities and the well-being of the environment based on the perceptions of urban community living in the Klang Valley and its differences based on gender and education level. This survey research uses questionnaire as research instrument. A total of 2502 respondents participated in the study, representing six Municipal Councils (MC) in the Klang Valley in Malaysia namely the Klang Municipal Council, Kajang MC, Subang Jaya MC, Selayang MC, Sepang MC and Ampang Jaya MC. Data collected involves descriptive statistics and inferential (two-way MANOVA) analysed using the SPSS version 21. The findings show that urban communities feel that the support for environmental management is moderately low while involvement in environmental activities is at a moderately high level. The well-being of the community environment is also at a moderately high level. There is no significant difference between management support, involvement in environmental activities and the well-being of the community based on gender. However, there is a significant difference in the aspect of environmental management support between the respondents who have certificate as compared to those who have diploma and degree. Respondents who have certificates felt there is less support towards environmental management as compared to those who have a diploma or a degree. Overall, this study suggests that communities need environmental management support in their residential areas in terms of environmental management facilities. In addition, environmental management activities as well as maintenance in community settings need to be enhanced in the areas of low-income urban community to achieve a well-being community as well as to ensure sustainable development.
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In-Text Citation: (Ahmad, Ahmad, Rahman, & Malek, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Ahmad, J., Ahmad, A. R., Rahman, N. A., & Malek, J. A. (2018). Environmental Management Support and Participation in Environmental Activities for the Well-being of Urban Community. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(7), 102–115.
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