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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of Psychopathy on Counterproductive Work Behavior

Rub Nawaz, Muhammad Zia-ud-Din, Muhammad Tahir Nadeem, Mohy ud Din

Open access

This study was primarily conducted to understand the impact of psychopathy on counterproductive work behavior. Data was collected from 130 personnel through convenience sampling technique, using adopted questionnaires consisting of measuring each variable on five-point liker scales. For data analysis statistical tools such as reliability, correlation and Regression were used. Results indicate psychopathy has significant relationship with counterproductive work behavior. The mediating role of workplace aggression between psychopathy and counterproductive work behavior was also supported by results. Therefore, organization should be used psychopathy as an important mental focus to reduce the negative emotions of the employees for managing the counterproductive work