ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This paper aims to analyse the relationship between job satisfaction, transfer of training, perceived organizational support and service quality. Focusing on the factors that influence service quality of employees, the research was set in the context of Malaysian local municipal council. The respondents consisted of specific target departments, divisions and units in a local municipal council which directly provides services to the public in Johor, Malaysia. A quantitative cross sectional survey method was adopted, coupled with factor analysis and multiple regression analysis to analyse the collected data. The findings of this study revealed that job satisfaction and transfer of training were positively and significantly related to consumer purchasing behaviour. Further, job satisfaction was found to be the strongest predictor of service quality of employees. The findings of this research facilitate organization to identify the appropriate employee’s factor to be capitalized on and subsequently improved customer satisfaction through high quality of services.
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (
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