ISSN: 2222-6990
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The study aims to analyze the causes and ways to overcome bully among students from National Primary Schools, National Type Chinese Primary Schools and National Type Tamil Primary Schools. In addition, this study is also carried out with the aim of producing a guidebook to handle the symptoms of bullying that can help teachers in the management of pupils in the classroom. Qualitative approach with the Hermeneutics method has been used in this study. A total of 59 respondents were involved in this study. Respondents were selected among the primary school teachers in the district of Kinta Utara, Perak, which consisted of 20 teachers from National Primary Schools, 20 teachers from National Type Chinese Primary Schools and 19 teachers from National Type Tamil Primary Schools. The instrument used in this study is a questionnaire with four parts. Then, the collected data were analyzed using the Hermeneutical method. The results show that the main cause of the bullying phenomenon among primary school children was due to the student's own attitude and mass media influence. The best way to overcome bully is to provide counseling to students, appropriate punishment to bully offenders and to apply religious education as well as moral values. In addition, the main content to fit in the guidebook on handling bully is the ways to overcome bully, the punishment that should be given to bullies and the characteristics of bullies and bully victims. The implications of the study indicate that the use of guidebook on handling bully can help teachers in the management of students in the classroom and to overcome bully.
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In-Text Citation: (Nachiappan et al., 2018)
To Cite this Article: Nachiappan, S., Teck, W. K., Zabit, M. N. M., Sehgar, S. C., Suffian, S., & Sukri, N. A. (2018). Causes and Ways to Overcome Bully among Students from National Primary Schools, National Type Chinese Primary Schools and National Type Tamil Primary Schools. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(8), 1–11.
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