ISSN: 2222-6990
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The purpose of this study is to check the impact of organizational politics on organization citizenship behavior of employees because organizational politics impact on employee behavior. In this study we also check the moderating role of employee engagement in between the relationship of organizational politics and organization citizenship behavior. This study will provide a guideline to numerous leaders or management of an organization in considering the influence of organizational politics on Organization citizenship behavior for attaining organizational goals. This survey is based on questionnaire and data is collected from 125 employee of textile sector organizations located in Faisalabad. The results of this study reveal that organizational politics and organization citizenship behavior are significantly correlated. Results reveal that if Organizational politics will be higher, and then organization citizenship behavior will also be high. Thus, all the hypotheses showed significant results. This study will guide leaders/ Management of organizations to figure out the role of Organizational politics to train employees for the forthcoming cut-throat challenges in international business competition.
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In-Text Citation: (Din, Iram, & Farooq, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Din, M. Z. ud, Iram, B., & Farooq, F. (2018). Impact of Organization Politics on Organization Citizenship Behavior. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(8), 66–78.
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