ISSN: 2222-6990
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The purpose of this project was to analyse the Factors influencing Sustainability of Rural Water Supplies Management in Kenya: A Case Study of Marakwet West Sub County Elgeyo Marakwet County Kenya. It was specially want to find out how the level of community participation; socio-economic status of the community; water financial management and how level of technology penetration in the community influences sustainability of water projects in Marakwet West Sub County. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The target population was the community households, programme coordinators and committee members of water projects. A sample of 256 respondents drawn from the target population was used. The study used descriptive and analytical methods of data analysis which were mainly performed using the SPSS data analysis package. The data was analyzed using quantitative analysis method. From the analysis it was found out that majority of the consumers of the water projects were not invited to participate in the project however, they were involved somehow in the project development. It was found out that the committee members were usually selected and not democratically elected to the committee. It was also found that majority of the community members did not receive any training before the projects were handed over to the community. It was recommended that the ministry of water and natural resources and sponsors of water projects should invite many the consumers of the water projects at initiation stage of the projects. Community members should be involved in the projects by being active in contributions either in material or labour. Consumers of water projects in the sub county should be sensitized and be trained on effective and efficiency water usage through forums like barazas or through their respective churches were majority of them can be reached. The frequency training should be shifted from the current-on need basis- to quarterly so that the consumers get privy to the project fully as the trainings slow down. Project handlers to allow consumers of the water projects to carry out democratic elections of their water management committees and those involved in the monitoring and implementation of community water projects. Programme administrators should make efforts of training locals on the relevant technological applied in the water projects before handing over the project so that locals can take charge effectively once the project has been handed over to them.
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In-Text Citation: (Kilimo & Nambuswa, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Kilimo, W. K., & Nambuswa. (2018). Factors Influencing Sustainability of Rural Water Supplies Management in Kenya: A Case Study of Marakwet West Sub County, Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(8), 112–123.
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