ISSN: 2222-6990
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In the last decades, academics, researchers and private and public organizations have demonstrated an increasing interest towards women in leadership roles. Without claiming to exhaust this interesting and current topic, this paper discusses the concept of leadership involved in multinational corporations from the perspective of gender equality in light of the current development of female leadership programs that have become the norm in all socially responsible businesses. The research is based on a case study of the effects of such a leadership development program implemented in an international accounting and consulting corporation with a subsidiary in Romania. Through a quantitative analysis based on a web survey, the paper analyses if the women in the corporation report having faced any particular barriers in their pursuit of management positions and if there are differences in the way in which female and male leadership styles are perceived. The main contributions of the paper are an assessment of the effectiveness of the selected leadership development program and a list of recommendations that can be followed by companies with similar leadership development programs in order to support women empowerment and advancement in the company.
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In-Text Citation: (Voicil?, Ghinea, & Filculescu, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Voicil?, A., Ghinea, V. M., & Filculescu, A. (2018). Women In Leadership Positions: Perspectives From An International Consulting Company. International Journal Of Academic Research In Business And Social Sciences, 8(8), 170–192.
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