ISSN: 2222-6990
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This descriptive study will be discussing on the disciplinary problems among the army personnel, the contributing factors to the problem as well as coming up with Islamic approach solutions to the problem. This study is significant as discipline plays primary roles in building a man’s character. Discipline is also synonymous with one’s manners, virtue and courtesy. Several scholars have defined discipline as a mental and moral practices in ensuring one’s adherence to rules and regulation for the betterment of the society. Via Al-Quran, Islam has promoted discipline as the interjecting factor which leads to success in this world and hereafter. However, disciplinary problem in any organisation is still the core problem that needs to be resolved. Discipline and the military are synonymous and the ability to adhere to the rules that have been determined is the decisive factor which can lead to one’s career excellence in the military. However, there are some military personnel who are involved in disciplinary cases which could compromise the reputation of the military. Zina (unlawful sexual relations), gambling, alcoholism are some of the criminal cases that have been committed by these personnel. It is believed that the occurrences of these cases are due to their lack of religious knowledge and practices (not performing prayers and being ignorant towards the Al-Quran), lack of parental guidance and family problems. Several steps have been taken to counter these problems as well as to curb it from further spreading such as enforcing religious classes. With that note, this paper will investigate how the principles of Al-Quran can assist in the instillation of discipline as outlined in Islamic teachings among the military personnel. This study will use a qualitative method by reviewing related documents, conducting interviews and carrying out observations in order to identify the elements which contribute to this problem. Further in-depth discussion will be carried out on the current disciplinary problems, its contributive factors and resolving steps based on the principles of Al-Quran in order to instill high discipline level within the Malaysian Armed Force.
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In-Text Citation: (Abidin et al., 2018)
To Cite this Article: Abidin, Z. Z., Zainol, N. A. M., Salleh, D. M., Liaw, J. O. H., Ridzuan, A. A., & Mohaiyadin, N. M. (2018). Formation of Discipline Based on the Teaching of Al-Quran among the Military Personnel. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(7), 902–910.
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