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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Concept and Use of the Virtual Learning Environment in Teaching: A Literature Review

Zanariah Hamid, Chew Fong Peng, Mohd Shahril Nizam Shaharom, Tan Chor Ter, Kumar Raman

Open access

Malaysia has set the year 2020 to become a fully developed nation. One way of turning a nation into one with a developed status is to use technology, not only in agriculture, medicine and industries but also in the education field. The Malaysian Education Blueprint 2013 – 2025 has stipulated that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) should be used to enhance the quality of education in Malaysia. This strategy is found in the seventh thrust of the Malaysian Education Blueprint 2013-2025 (Use ICT for Enhancing the Quality of Education in Malaysia). The expansion of technology in the education world has experienced an evolution that has changed the traditional method of teaching to a more modern one. The traditional method that uses the chalk and talk should be forsaken by teachers in the contemporary modern setting. The Frog Virtual Learning Environment was introduced in schools in 2011 through the 1BestariNet Project. Innovation in the form of using virtual technology needs educators, especially teachers, to be more open to accepting as well as using technology in the learning and facilitating process. This paper had elaborated on literature reviews pertaining to 21st century concept and teaching that uses the Virtual Learning Environment.

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In-Text Citation: (Hamid, Peng, Shaharom, Ter, & Raman, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Hamid, Z., Peng, C. F., Shaharom, M. S. N., Ter, T. C., & Raman, K. (2018). The Concept and Use of the Virtual Learning Environment in Teaching: A Literature Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(6), 1293–1301.