ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study analyses the formation of the decentralized regional public organization in the Tangerang City, Province of Banten, Indonesia. This study adopts the research paradigms of post-positivism as its philosophical basic framework. The qualitative approach based on the Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) is adopted to understand the real problems of the implementation of decentralization policies faced by public organization apparatus in carrying out their duties and functions, to explore the perceptions of the stakeholders to the problems, and to enhance the validity of the existing formal system model of decentralized regional public organization. To gather the data, the interview and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) were conducted with regional public officers, staff of the city secretariat, members of representative council, members of non-governmental organizations and communities. The study found that, at all levels, namely: macro, meso, and micro, the implementation of decentralization policies should be further improved. The regional regulation set up should focus on the needs and potential of the city, supported by the professional leaders that were not selected based on political interest, but based on the competent merit system. At the micro level, the regional apparatus at the regional offices of education, health services, and archives should be enhanced through changing in roles, functions, and institutional main tasks so that they would be adaptive, capable, and competent to support the implementation of decentralized policies. The internal environment related to the level of needs of the potential of the city should be provided with sufficient budget to support the offices’ programs, while the external environment related to public services in organizing programs and activities of the regional offices should also be a focus of the decentralization policies to further improve the quality of public services provided to the people of Tangerang City, Indonesia.
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In-Text Citation: (Irawan & Maksum, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Irawan, M., & Maksum, I. R. (2018). Analysis of Formation of the Decentralized Regional Public Organization: The Case of Tangerang City, Indonesia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(9), 118–137.
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