ISSN: 2222-6990
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Library is one of the information centers that provides information services to its users. Throughout the rapid changing in technologies, the library also gets affected from it where their collections, services, facilities, interior design and others components need to improvise to meet the user needs and attract users to come to the library. The effectiveness of the library benchmarking adoption, as improvement tool, in academic library of public universities in Klang Valley, Malaysia is studied in this paper. Benchmarking measurement tool however has been widely implemented in some developing countries but its adoption is not widely applied in Malaysia. Hence this study attempts to identify the effectiveness of the library benchmarking adoption based on Malaysia’s library eco-system. Survey method is opted where a set of questionnaire was distributed to six (6) academic library in public universities in Klang Valley, Malaysia comprises of a total of 142 randomly selected respondents (from the academic librarians). The findings of the study indicated that top management commitment, internal assessment, employee participation, the role of quality department, and customer orientation are positively correlated with effectiveness of library benchmarking adoption. However, benchmarking limitation was not significantly correlated with the effectiveness of the library benchmarking adoption.
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In-Text Citation: (Kadir, Abdullah, & Hussin, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Kadir, M. R. A., Abdullah, N. A., & Hussin, N. (2018). Insights on the Effectiveness of Library Benchmarking Adoption among Academic Libraries. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(9), 298–313.
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