ISSN: 2222-6990
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Value Added Intellectual Coefficient Calculator or VAIC calculator is a calculator to compute efficiency level of firms’ resources.VAIC is based on the assumption that both, intellectual capital and physical capital, are a function of production and mathematically computed as VAIC = ICE + CEE. Intellectual capital efficiency (ICE) is the sum of human capital efficiency (HCE) and structural capital efficiency (SCE), which are proxies for intellectual capital and capital employed efficiency (CEE) represents physical capital. To use this calculator, two simple steps are taken; step 1 is the input level by keying-in operating profit (OP), employee costs (EC), depreciation (D), and amortisation (A) in order to generate value added (VA) via this equation: VA = OP + EC + D + A and total assets (CE), step 2 is the output level whereby the calculator will generate efficiency scores of HCE through HCE = VA/HC, SCE through SCE = VA – HC/VA, CEE through CEE = VA/CE and ultimately the calculator will compute the value of VAIC. This paper has two objectives, to illustrate the use of the calculator and to discuss the contribution of the calculator. The VAIC calculator is an innovated product as it is unique, simple to operate, user-friendly and the first of its kind. The VAIC calculator will assist and guide firms’ managers and policy makers in the allocation of firms’ resources.
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In-Text Citation: (Mohammad, Bujang, & Naharu, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Mohammad, S.H., Bujang, I., & Naharu, N. (2018). Measuring Intellectual Capital using VAIC Calculator. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(9), 485–492.
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