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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Effect of Knowledge Acquisition on Competitiveness of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in Trans Nzoia County, Kenya

Wycliffe Joseph Muchanji, Elizabeth Nambuswa Makokha

Open access

The cooperatives sector remains of great significance to the economic development of Kenya as it employs thousands of Kenyans, out of 261 Savings and credit cooperative societies in Trans Nzoia County, its only 65 of them that are vibrant, their poor performance has led to members’ withdrawal at annual rate of 10%. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of knowledge acquisition on competitiveness of savings and cooperative societies in Trans Nzoia county. The study objective was to determine the effect of knowledge acquisition on competitiveness of savings and credit cooperative Societies in Trans Nzoia County. The study used descriptive survey research design. Target population for the study was drawn from employees of savings and credit cooperatives societies in Trans Nzoia County. The study targeted employees from the three main savings and credit cooperative sector operating in the County which included the Agricultural, industrial and the financial sector. The total target population comprised 1,174 respondents. The sample size from the management employees comprised 143 managers and 273 subordinate staff. The research technique used in collecting data was a structured questionnaire. The filled questionnaires were collected by the researcher, then coded and keyed into SPSS computer software and analyzed. Qualitative data was analysed thematically while quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistical techniques which included frequencies and mean. The findings were presented using frequency distribution tables that gave record of a number of times a score or a response occurs. The study finding indicated that respondents held that the firm develops and implements training plan annually. The study findings also indicated that there was a significant relationship between knowledge acquisition and competitiveness of savings and credit cooperative societies. The study concluded that organizational knowledge was the most important source of competitive advantage and is acquired and transferred within an organization by means of training. The study recommended that organizations should recognize advantage of knowledge by budgeting for employees training.

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In-Text Citation: (Muchanji & Makokha, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Muchanji, W. J., & Makokha, E. N. (2018). Effect of Knowledge Acquisition on Competitiveness of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies in Trans Nzoia County, Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(9), 716–734.