ISSN: 2222-6990
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Sustainable Development (SD) is the biggest challenge to the 21st century and transition to Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). Thus, green skills become a key of transforming into a low-carbon economy and innovation of Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). With 11thMalaysia Plan (2016-2020), an economic development defined six strategic thrusts to help Malaysia achieve the target of becoming an advanced economy by year 2020 in a resilient, low carbon missions, resource efficient, and socially inclusive manner. Green skills are one of the strategic thrusts that will enable Malaysia to stay ahead of environmental challenges and opportunities in a fast-changing global and political landscape. Besides that, one of the agendas of ACET 2015 is to integrate green skills for the preservation of the TVET program to achieve sustainable development including curbing poverty and inclusive of economic development. This article will discuss the needs of green skills for sustainable development in Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). The needs are focusing on employee productivity, green technologies, and education and skills for green economy, social and environment. A review of various published documents has been used to provide a comprehensive literature of the need of green skills for sustainable development in 4IR. At the end, after several needs are identified, the technical and vocational education, through a greater sustainability-related curriculum, plays a crucial role in educating students to be aware of the environment and the integration of green skills in the TVET curriculum is a must. In addition, TVET is an agent that facilitates the creation of a sustainable workforce towards the Fourth Industry Revolution.
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In-Text Citation: (Ramli, Rasul, & Affandi, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Ramli, S., Rasul, M. S., & Affandi, H. M. (2018). Sustainable Development: Needs of Green Skills in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(9), 1082–1095.
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