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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Conceptualizing the Qur’anic Model of Holistic Sustainability Based on the General Principles of Islamic Muamalat

Atikullah Abdullah, Mohd Amir Wan Harun

Open access

Sustainability is the mantra of the day. However, the present discussions on the topic of sustainability tend to focus more on the economic and environmental sustainability. While recognizing its importance especially in the days when researches have shown that there are not so many natural heritage left to be inherited to our offspring in the future, yet, solely focus on the economic and environmental sustainability itself is a clear example of the unsustainable approach. The exclusion of religious and spiritual dimension seems to be the most glaring flaw in the present discourse on sustainable development. Human being as the main agent for changes and development need to be comprehensively developed in both physically and spiritually. In short, we need a holistic idea of sustainability. This paper argues that the Qur’an provides the basic recipes in the form of muamalat principles for the establishment of the holistic sustainability. This is the best approach for us to consider after witnessing the failure of the mainstream idealism of socio-economic and political development.

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In-Text Citation: (Abdullah & Harun, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Abdullah, A., & Harun, M. A. W. (2018). Conceptualizing the Qur’anic Model of Holistic Sustainability Based on the General Principles of Islamic Muamalat. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(9), 1096–1110.