ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study gives emphasis on property ownership pattern of the coastal fisherman in the study area. Property ownership among the fishermen includes fishing equipment such as boats, engines and trawls. The pattern of equipment ownership related to the economic significance of the fishermen is given due attention because the productivity of the local fisherman is highly dependent on the equipment. In this regard, 200 respondents consisting of small-scale fishermen were interviewed using questionnaires. The findings show that mapping of the fishermen's economic equipment ownership in the study area can be divided into three main methods of procurement, namely through purchasing, leasing and owned by the employer. The findings also show that the fishermen’ dependency on middleman still exists although not directly. The study concludes that the coastal fishermen in the study area are poor not because there is no skill or technology as fishermen. They are poor because they are not able to access to the dimensions of the physical production assets such as boats, engines, and finances. Hence some recommendations on improving their marine knowledge such as engagement in agro-tourism to help them out of the long-time poverty polemic.
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In-Text Citation: (Azima, Saad, Zaimah, Sarmila, & Lyndon, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Azima, A. M., Saad, S., Zaimah, R., Sarmila, M. S., & Lyndon, N. (2018). Asset Ownership Pattern of the Coastal Fishermen: A Poverty Polemic. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(13) Special Issue: Community Development & Social Mobility, 31–40.
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