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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Oil Palm Smallholders Level of Satisfaction towards Oil Palm Integration Programme

Zaimah, R., Novel Lyndon, Sarmila, M.S., Mohd Yusof Hussain, Abd Hair Awang, Kamil Tohiran

Open access

Oil palm integration is an activity that integrates oil palm with other economic activities such as crops and livestock. The oil palm integration practice was found to provide direct benefits to the oil palm smallholders such as increasing their income, diversifying crops and land use. Therefore, there is a diversity of patterns and practices of oil palm integration among the oil palm smallholders. However, the extent of oil palm smallholders' satisfaction with the oil palm integration practices have yet to be assessed. Whether there is a difference in the oil palm smallholders' level of satisfaction varies according to the implementation category, implementation cost and the income from oil palm integration. Hence, the main objective of this article is to measure the oil palm smallholders’ level of satisfaction on the oil palm integration practices and to identify the differences in the level of satisfaction according to the implementation category, implementation cost and income from the oil palm integration. In addition, the oil palm integration patterns and practices will also be explained. A total of 140 smallholders working on oil palm integration were analyzed in this discussion. The descriptive statistics and Anova tests were used to answer the objective of the discussion. The study results show that majority of the smallholders are satisfied with the oil palm integration they are implementing. Their level of satisfaction is also significantly different between the types of implementation, implementation cost and the oil palm integration income. This means that the oil palm integration should be given due attention by the smallholders as it has proven to increase their income. More than that, the oil palm integration also gives them satisfaction and this is something positive and it should be implemented continuously.

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In-Text Citation: (Zaimah et al., 2018)
To Cite this Article: Zaimah, R., Lyndon, N., Sarmila, M. S., Hussain, M. Y., Awang, A. H., & Tohiran, K. (2018). Oil Palm Smallholders Level of Satisfaction towards Oil Palm Integration Programme. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(13 Special Issue: Community Development & Social Mobility), 159–168.