ISSN: 2222-6990
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The agricultural waqf practice was carried out since the era of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Among the companions of Rasulullah SAW who had performed agricultural waqf were, Saidina Abu Bakar who donated his land in Mecca, Saidina Umar ra with his lands in Khaibar, Abu Thalhah with his lands in Bairaha’ and Saidina Ali who donated his very fertile lands. Based on the agricultural waqf done by the companions, is this method potential as the funding of development of pondok institutions in Malaysia? Thus, this study objective seeks to identify the agricultural waqf in Malaysia. Secondly, it intends to analyse the potential of agricultural waqf in funding the development of the pondok institutions in Malaysia. This study is a qualitative study that uses the primary data, secondary data and the content analysis as the tools of analysis for this study. An important implication for this study is that the pondok institutions are able to be empowered through the agricultural waqf method.
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In-Text Citation: (Fazial & Bahari, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Fazial, F., & Bahari, Z. (2018). The Potential for the Pondok Institutions’ Development Funding through the Agricultural Waqf. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(9), 1903–1909.
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