ISSN: 2222-6990
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This paper empirically discussed on the application of team-based learning approach in an event management course. Students were surveyed at the beginning of the semester about their experience and beliefs on working in groups or teams. These responses were compared to their responses after a semester of team-based learning, regarding the extent to which the team-based learning classroom environment enhanced their experience and beliefs about working in groups or teams. The overall mean scores showed that students’ experience and beliefs have improved after they experienced the teaching method used by the instructor. Additionally, most respondents agreed that they have experienced a teaching technique called team-based learning in their other courses. This case study investigated one event management course only, therefore, future researchers could do a comparison study between different courses under a similar program that utilize team-based learning method in their classroom. Future researchers could also conduct a longitudinal study to analyze the patterns of change in terms of students’ experience and beliefs about team-based learning method over time and investigate to what extent team-based learning help improve students’ academic performance.
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In-Text Citation: (Ahmat, Ridzuan, Zuki, & Mahmud, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Ahmat, N. C., Ridzuan, A. H. A., Zuki, N. S. M., & Mahmud, H. (2018). The Application of Team-Based Learning in an Event Management Course. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(15), 286–301.
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