ISSN: 2222-6990
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Perceived destination image is a key study area that relates to tourism and hospitality. Even within the niche area of education tourism, perceived destination image still holds a significant stand but the inclusion of perceived institutional image enhances the research area since there are still many inconclusive studies. The current study aims to investigate the relationship between cultural value, perceived destination image and intention to recommend Malaysia as destination for further education. The usage of perceived destination image as a mediator remains scarce in study. The study uses stratified samplings with a sample of 409 international students in Malaysia were obtained and analyzed using structural equation modeling. The result of the study found that perceived destination image have a complete intervention role between cultural value and intention to recommend. The study contributes to the theoretical lens whereby perceived destination image function as a mediator to strengthen the relationship between cultural value and intention to recommend a destination to others. Lastly, the research suggests that other significant contributor may affects perceived destination image. These areas still provide plenty of opportunity for research given the direct contribution to the country and world’s economy and growth.
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In-Text Citation: (Mun, Aziz, & Bojei, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Mun, Y. W., Aziz, Y. A., & Bojei, J. (2018). Mediating Impact of Perceived Destination Image on Intention to Recommend Malaysia as a Key Educational Hub. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(16), 1–14.
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