ISSN: 2222-6990
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Sports tourism has been recognized as one of the upcoming tourism markets with the most significant economic potential. Massive arrivals of both participants and spectators during marathon events have tremendously intensified a destination's popularity among this niche market. The main objective of the study is to understand the characteristics and travel behavior of runners and the marketing of running events. The understanding of travel behavior of runners is very vital for developing tourism products and services. This paper aims to explore the motivational factors influencing runners joining the marathon, length of stay, their next running destination, criteria of the destination, and to provide some insights to the destination marketing organizations to cater for this market. For the purpose of this study, an online survey was carried out among runners and marathoners who actively participate in marathon events outside of their hometown. The outcome of the study will discover new values and demand by runners and contribute to the fundamental that will create a new brand image of Malaysia as sports tourism destination.
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In-Text Citation: (Atlas, Nuraini Putit, Puem, & Enggong, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Atlas, R., Nuraini Putit, P. A., Puem, L. B. G., & Enggong, T. S. (2018). Sports Tourism: Factors Influencing Runners Joining Marathon Events. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(16), 218–230.
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