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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Dimensions of Public Participation in Planning for Sustainable Tourism in Sungkai Wildlife Reserve: the Stakeholders’ Perspectives

Intan Rahayu Abdul Razak, Arni Abdul Gani, Mazlina Mahdzar

Open access

Public participation can be any process that directly engages the public in decision-making and gives full consideration to public input in making that decision. This study determines the stakeholders' opinions on public participation and dimensions of public participation for sustainable tourism planning in Sungkai Wildlife Reserve from the stakeholders' perspectives. This study uses descriptive research design that employs cross-sectional study. Questionnaires were distributed to 90 respondents that were from PERHILITAN Kuala Lumpur, PERHILITAN Sungkai Wildlife Reserve Perak, Sungkai Villages Committee Members and few academicians using the cluster sampling process. The overall public participation in Sungkai Wildlife Reserve is moderate and expected to improve in years to come. In addition to that, there are four dimensions that contributed to the success of public participation such as process, product, situational and institutional. The study suggests that the collaboration between stakeholders is highly needed for sustainable planning and development decision-making process.

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In-Text Citation: (Razak, Gani, & Mahdzar, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Razak, I. R. A., Gani, A. A., & Mahdzar, M. (2018). Dimensions of Public Participation in Planning for Sustainable Tourism in Sungkai Wildlife Reserve: the Stakeholders’ Perspectives. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(16), 267–286.