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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Does Government Support Increase the Involvement of Orang Asli Entrepreneurs in Malaysia Mainstream Businesses?

Derweanna Bah Simpong, Mohd Salehuddin Mohd Zahari, Rahmat Hashim, Hamizad Abdul Hadi, Azimah Othman

Open access

Toward building the entrepreneurship capacity, enhance economic performance and reduce inequalities among the indigenous group, many governments has often provided various resources for them. The government initiatives through the financial and non-financial support manifestly improve in number of indigenous entrepreneurs. However, to what extent the government support exerting huge influence on Malaysian Orang Asli entrepreneurs to the path of mainstream businesses was not holistically investigated. This study investigates the extent to which the government’s support increases the involvement of Orang Asli Entrepreneurs in Malaysia mainstream businesses. Through the causal type of investigation, this study surveyed the individual Orang Asli entrepreneurs who are involved in business in the nine states and 285 completed questionnaires were successfully collected. From the descriptive and regression analysis, the result showed that despite supporting the previous studies findings that the government support did increased the number of entrepreneurial, the government’s support (financial and non- financial) just slightly influence the Malaysia Orang Asli entrepreneurs toward the mainstream businesses. This indicator conveys varying consequences and implications to the existing Orang Asli entrepreneurs and the relevant authorities.