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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Assessing the Young Consumers’ Motives and Purchase Behavior for Organic Food: An Empirical Evidence from a Developing Nation

Song Bee Lian, Liew Chee Yoong

Open access

The present study attempts to investigate the young consumers’ motives to purchase organic food in a developing nation (Malaysia). Four key motives of food safety concern, health consciousness, affordability and environment concern are examined in this study. Consumers’ purchase behaviour is represented by purchase intentions and actual purchase. The questionnaires used was administered to a convenience sample of 398 young consumers from Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, through a self?administered questionnaire. Data were analysed using Structural Equation Modeling and five hypotheses were tested. The findings reported that food safety concern, health consciousness, and environment concern have significantly influenced purchase intentions of organic food. Purchase intentions is positively correlated to the actual purchase of organic food. There was no significant effect of affordability on purchase intentions. Based on the findings, strategies to enhance the quality, long-term health benefits, environment friendliness, and reduce in pricing of organic food should be undertaken.