ISSN: 2222-6990
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The study aimed to assess the social impacts of tourism activities on the residents of tourist cities. Both negative and positive impacts of tourism activities were identified. The qualitative method of data collection and data analysis were employed to enable researcher to collect quality data. Primary data were collected from the respondents reside on tourist’s cities and presented in a form of essays and other means of descriptive presentation. Then secondary information was applied to collect data through documented source.
The findings shows that there are certain impacts which are, improved their social image, creation of employment and other opportunities, expiation of cultural and make the community more pride.
The research findings concluded, the Uncontrolled convectional tourism poses potential threats on sustainable development in aspects of economic, social and environment to both human and natural ecosystem. The researcher recommend an increase efforts of the responsible institutions on the management of tourist destinations like National parks, museums, historical sites. Also the researcher calls for local community involvement and benefiting on every aspects of tourism development without compromising the ability of the future generations, as well as they should understand the importance of nature of contact between the tourists and them which is highly determined by the level of participation of the communities around the destinations.
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In-Text Citation: (Burhan & Malleo, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Burhan, A. M., & Malleo, J. A. (2019). Tourist Cities Resident’s Perceptions on Social Impacts of Tourism Activities. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(1), 414–429.
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