ISSN: 2222-6990
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Public Benefit Organizations (PBOs) in Homa Bay County face various challenges that emanate from the environment they operate in. Strategic management practices are key to their survival as it enables them to understand the environment, define their goals and objectives and implement decisions better. The key to successfully prepare for the future is the ability of a firm to understand the environment and anticipate what industry trends and patterns may affect its current and future business and operation plans. The study sought to establish strategic management practices adopted by Public benefit organizations in Homa Bay County, Kenya. The study employed descriptive research design. The Population comprised approximately 497 public benefit organizations operating in Homa Bay County and are registered by the PBOs coordination Board. Sekaran’s sample determination formula of 2013 was used to determine a sample size of 217, simple random sampling technique was used to pick the sample from the population. Primary data was collected by use of semi-structured questionnaires. The target respondents were the senior managers and Coordinators heading PBOs in the Homa Bay County. The validity of the instruments was achieved by giving the questionnaires to experts for review. Test-retest was used to measure the reliability of the questionnaires. The correlation coefficient was computed using the Spearman rank order correlation and established to be r=0.79. The data was analyzed through descriptive statistics, frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, data analysis was aided by Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The study found out that the majority of the PBOs in Homa Bay County have adopted some form of strategic management practices whether formal or informal. Nonetheless, strategic management seems not to have been prioritized in majority of the organizations because a good number of PBOs do not have designated departments to coordinate strategic planning, execution and control. It was established that there were differential practices in so far as strategic management among PBOs is concerned, it was evident that situational analysis was least embraces among the strategic management practices. Strategy implementation was also weak, not at par with strategy formulation. Visioning and missioning were most popular among PBOs in Homa Bay County. The researcher concludes that PBOs have largely complied with all the five steps of strategic management but there is inconsistency in the way the practices are applied, and this could affect the effectiveness of strategic management processes. The study recommends that there is need to have designated personnel or department to manage the strategic management activities in the PBOs in Homa Bay County. Secondly, there is need to formalize the strategic management processes within the organizational setup so that they are not done haphazardly. Third, there is need for organizations to consistently apply all the strategic management practices, not to ignore some.
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In-Text Citation: (Dekings, Awiti, & Aketch, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Dekings, M. D., Awiti, L., & Aketch, N. E. (2019). Strategic Management Practices Adopted by Public Benefit Organizations in Homa Bay County, Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(1), 710–723.
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