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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Validation of Children Abused Module in Malaysia

Ahmad Jazimin Bin Jusoh, Pau Kee, Mohd Noor Saper, Taquddin Abd Mukti, Abd Aziz Yatim, Priyalatha Govindasamy

Open access

The purpose of this research is to measure the validity of Children Abused Module. This research also conducted through survey method. Research sample are from eight professionals expertise in the field of psychology counselling, modules, practitioners, officers in charge of abused cases, non-government association and policy makers. Results show that the whole panel agreeing that Children Abused Module is seemly as a module of knowledge, awareness and skills module to the officers in prevention institution. Results also showed that coefficient validity of this module is 0.83 which is high. Then the correlation coefficient validity of suitability of the activities in this module is 0.90. Results also showed that experts had suggested that this module set up a target as it is clearer and group activities also need to involve all members, facilitators need to adjust language usage according to target and make a conclusion in each activity.