ISSN: 2222-6990
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The study explores the effect of organizational culture on organizational development in public universities in Jordan. Higher-education has a critical role in Jordan's economic growth and the future prosperity of the nation. The literature indicates the lack of attention to culture in relation to organizational development, particularly among public universities in Jordan. Very few studies have relied on quantitative research methods such as Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in educational research to examine the different relationships among constructs in the model established on the basis of the theories. Thus, this study explored the impact of organizational culture (OC) on organizational development (OD) in Jordanian public universities. The study drew on Handy’s cultural model as there has been a little research on the effect each of the four types of culture on organizational development. Accordingly, we developed and tested four hypotheses. 354 questionnaires were collected from administrative and academic members at three public universities in Jordan. This study in fact pursued a rigorous process to support the construct validity of the measure by employing EFA as well as CFA using both SPSS and AMOS-SEM. The results showed that out of the four types of culture, role culture, task culture and people culture had positive and significant impacts on organizational development, whereas power culture had a negative and insignificant effect on organizational development in Jordanian public universities. Thus, it could be concluded that higher education professionals should establish the values of organizational culture among the employees of Jordanian public universities in the higher education system in order to ensure organizational development since it could influence the whole society.
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In-Text Citation: (Nasaireh, Abdullah, & Obeidat, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Nasaireh, M. A., Abdullah, A. H., & Obeidat, K. A. (2019). The Effect of Organizational Culture Dimensions on Organizational Development in Jordanian Public Universities. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(1), 1059–1073.
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