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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Reality of UPSI Football Team Mentoring Program: A Qualitative Study

Zulakbal Abd Karim, Rozaireen Muszali, Hazuan Hizan, Yusri Yakub, Yusop Ahmad, Sadzali Hassan, Mohd Adib Adam Bin Mohd Suhaimi

Open access

This study is conducted to identify how the mentoring program is used in sports and how this mentoring program takes place in a sports organization. The population of this study was UPSI students representing the university football team. The selected sample consists of approximately 25 people. The sample consists of players representing the university from the beginning of the student's entry or who have recently been involved in representing the university, but still have background in playing high-level football. The instrument of this study is observation. Observation method is a research method used to measure the research variables. Observation is also an alternative in collecting data other than questionnaires and interviews. Using this method, researchers should observe their samples within a certain timeframe. Prior to observation, researchers need to make good and careful planning. Each observation must have specific purpose, systematically done, focused, and must be recorded neatly and correctly. Notes made must be accurate, valid, and reliable. The findings showed that this mentoring program has a positive impact in the field of sports because mentoring can provide mentee with the necessary skills, self-esteem and self-esteem. Overall, through interactions with experienced mentors, a mentee can acquire skills such as mentor, team building, communication, problem solving, which can increase job satisfaction and increase productivity.

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In-Text Citation: (Karim et al., 2019)
To Cite this Article: Karim, Z. A., Muszali, R., Hizan, H., Yakub, Y., Ahmad, Y., Hassan, S., & Suhaimi, M. A. A. B. M. (2019). The Reality of UPSI Football Team Mentoring Program: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Socal Sciences, 9(2), 312–321.