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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Multidimensional Psychometric Evaluation of Secondary School Student Aggression and Its Proposed Solution Based on Integrated Social Pedagogy

Abd. Rahim Mohd. Shariff, Norliza Abdul Majid, Hazuan Mohd Hizan, Ali Md Nadzalan, Nik Mohd. Zaki

Open access

This study introduced new multidimension scale of SKiPS (student aggression score) to measure the self-aggression that were reported at secondary school in Malaysia. This scale has been developed with special focus in school by using samples from three lower secondary school (initial study: N = 120; main study: N = 212 and test-retest validity: N = 40) for samples from one secondary school (N = 40) representing secondary school in Malaysia. Exploration analysis using the main components of analysis (PCA) reveals four factors structure; oral aggression, physical aggression and authority aggression are interrelated. Structure model assessment (SEM-PLS) showed that scaled items form four factors that relate to higher aggression factors. Structures are stable over different age groups. The scale shows sufficient internal consistency, simultaneous validity and retest stability. The implication of the study stressed the need for emotional literacy education and social competence to be applied directly in the curriculum of the Physical Education subject to enhance JERI's objectives.

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In-Text Citation: (Shariff, Majid, Hizan, Nadzalan, & Zaki, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Shariff, A. R. M., Majid, N. A., Hizan, H. M., Nadzalan, A. M., & Zaki, N. M. (2019). Multidimensional Psychometric Evaluation of Secondary School Student Aggression and Its Proposed Solution Based on Integrated Social Pedagogy. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 9(2), 353–363.