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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Development and Effect of Integrated Science Process Skills Module Towards Higher Order Thinking Skills Based on Edutainment

Hamidah binti Mat

Open access

Module-based teaching is acclaimed to be helpful in guiding teachers to improve teaching through edutainment and for the acquisition of science process skills by the primary school students. Thus, this research involves a development of a module, Integrated Science Process Skills that contains activities as well as questions of higher cognitive levels. The development of this module is based on ADDIE models. In the analysis phase the target group, module levels and cost of production are identified. In the design phase, the objective and background of the module, the concept of the science involved, learning activities, teaching media and evaluation are identified. The module development phase involves the development of the module as it is designed. In the implementation phase, the module is piloted to identify any weakness for improved performance. The assessment phase involves experts in the scientific fields to verify the content and usability of the module. The samples were of 33 treatment group students and 33 control group students. The instruments used are KPS Test, pretest and post test. The results showed that there was an increase in achievement in both treatment and control groups. However, the treatment group showed significantly higher achievement compared to the control group. The findings also shown that there has been an increase in the level of higher order thinking skills in both treatment and control groups with the treatment group showing significantly higher achievement compared to the control group. In conclusion, this study has resulted in a learning module comprising of a complete lesson plan, detailed with higher order thinking skills questions as well as integrated science process skills. Research implications showed that this module can be used by primary school science teachers to improve their students’ cognitive level

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In-Text Citation: (Mat, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Mat, H. binti. (2019). Development and Effect of Integrated Science Process Skills Module Towards Higher Order Thinking Skills Based on Edutainment. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(2), 919–931.