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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

When You Don’t have to be Sequential: A Meta-Analysis

Ilda Salwani Binti Ameer Hamza, Abdul Halim Bin Abdullah, Sharifah Binti Osman

Open access

Comparison approach is a cognitive process that is often used in a variety of domains specially to support effective mathematics learning. Students with low mathematical proficiency often make mistakes when solving a mathematical problem using different types of solving strategies. These mistakes can be prevented by presenting different strategies using the comparison approach in mathematics learning. If students are encouraged to compare, the similarities and differences become highlighted. This study examines the benefits of different types of comparison approaches in mathematics learning through a systematic review of research literature published between 2009 -2018, resulting in a total of 20 interventions (20 studies) that met the criteria for this study. The findings showed that students’ conceptual knowledge, procedural knowledge, and procedural flexibility are related to the greater implementation of the intervention, which when used sufficiently, can improve long-term mathematics learning. This study suggests that teachers may need additional support in preparing mathematics instruction using the comparison approach and that knowing the benefits of different types of comparisons in mathematics learning may persuade and help them to decide what to compare and when to use comparisons.

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In-Text Citation: (Hamza, Abdullah, & Osman, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Hamza, I. S. B. A., Abdullah, A. H. Bin, & Osman, S. B. (2019). When You Don’t have to be Sequential: A Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(2), 1142–1157.