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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Coping Strategies as Predictors of Academic Achievement of the Left-Behind Children in Henan Province, China

Priyadarshini Muthukrishnan, Wang Xiani

Open access

With rapid development of economy in China, and the migration of the rural population to the industrialised area have caused the parents to leave behind their children with relatives or care takers. This has resulted in increased number of left-behind children in China. The current study investigated the impact of coping strategies on the academic achievement of the left behind children. The research adopted quantitative research methodology and data was collected from 186 left behind children in Henan Province, China. To investigate the different coping strategies adopted by the children, Children’s Coping Strategies Checklist (Ayers, 1991) was used. Correlation and multiple regression analyses were conducted to examine the relationship between the various predictors and academic achievement. The findings concluded that coping strategies significantly correlated with academic achievement. The multiple regression model with all 11 predictors resulted in R² =30.2, F (11, 174)=6.852, p<.001. This concluded that 30.2% of the variance in achievement can be predicted by coping strategies. Problem focused support were identified as the significant predictors of academic achievement. Other coping strategies did not contribute to the multiple regression model.