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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Exploring Capacity of Midde Managers as Instructional Leadership to Lead Transformations of Teaching and Learning in Malaysian High Performing Schools

Abdul Ghani Kanesan Abdullah, Abdul Jalil Ali, AlAmin Mydin , Nor Aiza Zamzam Amin

Open access

Since 2013, the Malaysian Education Development Planning Plan 2013-2025 (PPPM) has been and is being implemented to drive the nation's education transformations. Therefore, recent studies suggest in making sure that effective instructional leadership is being practiced in schools, principals should share the instructional leadership functions with the school middle managers. Thus, the current study sought to expand on these earlier studies by examining the capacity of Malaysia’s middle managers as instructional leadership to lead transformations in teaching and learning. The study developed a national profile of middle managers instructional leadership from 400 high performing school teachers’ perspectives using the Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale. The overall profile of location urban and region (North, Central, South, and East) middle managers suggested a moderate level of engagement in instructional leadership. However, there was a higher engagement revealed in instructional leadership by middle managers in rural schools especially in Central, South and East region of Peninsular Malaysia. The results provide evidence which suggests that a more systematic human resource strategy is needed in order to ensure that Malaysian principals should highly share and empower the duty as instructional leaders among the middle managers to support changes in teaching and learning.