ISSN: 2222-6990
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The Research work tends to explore the rapid sprawl in Faisalabad, Punjab Pakistan. Land constitutes of vital and influential, having a high rank of great significance. Contributing in the socio-economy of Pakistan. This study analyzes spatial restructuring of land use patterns using spatial techniques, GIS & Remote sensing. In mega cities and resident’s consumption rate led environmental degradation. Land deformation has been witnessed without any policy intervention. Land Use Land Use Land cover data is highly acknowledged for land resources management. The total areal change due to massive migration from rural to urban has legitimated various land deforming issues for the land managers and planners (i.e. unplanned growth, poor environment). In Pakistan, Karachi and Lahore are two major cities known as mega cities and now Faisalabad amongst the cities, but to define the change multiple geo-spatial techniques and temporal analysis will be performed. To cope up the growth-related issues it is necessary to detect the drastic change as it’s an ongoing process. Land change and deformation can be mapped, by using remote sensing data and GIS techniques along with several statistical measures. This study examines the trend of change in land pattern in spatial and temporal dimensions. The result will indicate the tendency of land deterioration.
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In-Text Citation: (Safder, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Safder, Q. (2019). Assessment of Urbanisation and Urban Sprawl Analysis through Remote Sensing and Gis: A Case Study of Faisalabad, Punjab Pakistan. International Journal of Academic Research Business and Social Sciences, 9(4), 16–31.
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