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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Competency of Teachers in Teaching Practical Implementation of Subject Furniture Manufacturing for Malaysian Skills Certification Program

Mohd Zaini Osman, Che Ghani Che Kob, Sharifah Shahida Syed Abdullah

Open access

Changes in the technical and vocational education system are seen as demanding and require teachers who are truly competent to engage in teaching and learning including practical at the workshop. Teachers who fulfill the competence components will certainly be able to perform their duties and responsibilities well and excel. This is to ensure the teachers can produce human capital who really have high skills and knowledge to meet the needs of the job market in the relevant industry. This paper discusses three elements of teacher’s competency in the teaching of Furniture Manufacturing Practices (FMP) for the Malaysia Skills Certificate (MSC) which are excellent skill, knowledge and attitude. In addition, teachers' competence issues in FMP teaching are also being addressed. The Iceberg Competency Model is used as a reference to determine the characteristics and level of competency of FMP practitioners. This discussion is based on relevant sources of scientific references and past studies.

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In-Text Citation: (Osman, Kob, & Abdullah, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Osman, M. Z., Kob, C. G. C., & Abdullah, S. S. S. (2019). Competency of Teachers in Teaching Practical Implementation of Subject Furniture Manufacturing for Malaysian Skills Certification Program. International Journal of Academic Research Business and Social Sciences, 9(5), 78–89.