ISSN: 2222-6990
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The role of waqf in education is very significant. A Pondok institution, madrasah and college in Malaysia were established to empower religious education. In the State of Johore, Madrasah Al-Attas Al-Arabiah was first founded in 1913 and the last madrasah founded was Madrasah Arabiah Kluang, Johore in 1946. This was followed by the establishment of the Johore Religious School in 1918 which started with the Quranic School and developed into a religious school in 1923. However, there is no integrated religious education waqf model until there is a breach of trust, leakage and corruption that stutter the development of religious education. Therefore, this study aims to identify aspects of waqf management for religious education in the State of Johore as well as to analyses the successful management of endowments of education at home and abroad as well as to propose an integrated education waqf management model to overcome the problems. To obtain the study information, qualitative studies through content analysis and structured interviews were conducted. Through this method, interview data was transcribed and analyzed using Atlas.ti software to prepare reporting. The study is expected to propose an integrated religious education waqf fund management model for the State of Johore and Malaysia in general. Hopefully in this way the problem of leakage of management of waqf funds can be overcome as well as promoting the development of religious education in Malaysia.
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In-Text Citation: (Don, Zabidi, Ahmad, Sujak, & Sulaiman., 2019)
To Cite this Article: Don, M. A. M., Zabidi, M. M., Ahmad, M. F., Sujak, S. F., & Sulaiman., R. (2019). Integrated Education Waqf Fund Management Model; a Case Study in the State of Johore, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research Business and Social Sciences, 9(4), 245–254.
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