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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Attitudes and Motivation towards Malay Language and the Level of Mastery among the Lower Secondary School Students in Pattani, Thailand

Zamri Mahamod, Salwa Radwani Jamaludin , Hadi Hassan

Open access

This study was conducted to obtain information on attitude towards Malay language and its level of mastery among lower secondary school students in Pattani, Thailand. This study was also conducted to examine the level of mastery of Malay Language among those who attended the Malay Language course. The survey research was conducted using quantitative method utilizing questionnaire instrument which was administered on 100 Form 3 students in two randomly selected schools in Pattani, Thailand. The data obtained were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics which is t-test and correlation test. The study was conducted based on socio-education model by Gardner. The results showed that the attitude of students in learning Malay was at moderately high level (min = 3.55, sd = 1.00). The results of the study based on the motivation of students in studying Malay Language showed the same result which is medium high (mean = 3.46, sd = 0.98). The implication of the study showed that the motivation of the southern Malay student of Thailand will increase if the mastery and skills of Malay language increase in learning.

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In-Text Citation: (Mahamod, Jamaludin, & Hassan, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Mahamod, Z., Jamaludin, S. R., & Hassan, H. (2019). Attitudes and Motivation towards Malay Language and the Level of Mastery among the Lower Secondary School Students in Pattani, Thailand. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(5), 604–618.