ISSN: 2222-6990
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In line with the decision of the Muzakarah of Fatwa Committee, the National Council of Islamic Affairs 2009, the amount of shariah non-compliant money (SNCM) paid to the Baitulmal showed a drastic increase from 2009 to 2017. However, previous studies showed that this situation was not caused by the increase of the public’s level of understanding regarding SNCM. Additionally, some Muslims today are identified as being involved in generating income from shariah non-compliant sources. As such, there are two objectives in this current study: to identify the payers’ sources of SNCM and also to identify the critical factors which influence the payment of SNCM. A total of 121 respondents were involved in this study which utilized a questionnaire as the research instrument. The findings showed that the Baitulmal institution was a critical factor which influenced the payment of SNCM while the surrounding community was the most non-critical factor. Every party is urged to play its role to ensure that Muslims do not own or capitalise on illegal or haram assets as outlined by Islamic principles and should not fully depend on the religious institution or the Baitulmal.
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In-Text Citation: (Hadi, Hussin, Muhammad, Razak, & Mahjom, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Hadi, F.-S. A., Hussin, M. Y. M., Muhammad, F., Razak, A. A., & Mahjom, N. (2019). Critical Factors Influencing the Payment of Shariah Non-Compliant Money. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(6), 517–526.
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